Battle of San Romano, Paolo Uccello, c. 1430s-1450s
There are 3 panel paintings in this series
Paolo Uccello, Niccolò Mauruzi da Tolentino at the Battle of San Romano (c. 1438–1440), tempera and walnut oil on wood. National Gallery, London. This work is in the public domain
Paolo Uccello, Niccolò Mauruzi da Tolentino unseats Bernardino della Carda at the Battle of San Romano (c. 1430s–1450s), tempera on wood. Uffizi, Florence. This work is in the public domain
Paolo Uccello, The Counterattack of Michelotto da Cotignola at the Battle of San Romano (c. 1455), wood panel. Louvre, Paris. This work is in the public domain