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Art History for Writers: Three-Hour Online Course

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Offered/Hosted by Stephanie Storey. Online only.
Saturday, November 2, 2019, 2-5 PM EASTERN TIME (1-4 Central; 12-3 MT; 11-2 PT)
Cost: $60

Michelangelo. Leonardo da Vinci. Raphael. Monet. Van Gogh. O’Keeffe. Rembrandt. These are all great artists BECAUSE they are some of history’s best STORYTELLERS. Their images are burned into our eyes and souls because these artists knew how to convey stories—and their emotional impact—in a single image.

This three-hour online course will take you on a journey through art history with some of the greatest storytellers in art to learn how to tell more effective, more compelling, more dramatic tales of your own.

This is a fun, interactive class, complete with loads of visuals. Taught by someone who has an insatiable passion for art history AND writing, you’ll never see art or storytelling the same.

Some of What You’ll Learn

  • A brief overview of art history and the styles of art that still affect our storytelling today (including some surprising anecdotes about the world’s most famous artists)

  • Various techniques that the greatest artists in history have used to tell their stories, including framing, balance, color, lighting, brushwork, perspective…

  • How to apply those visual techniques to your writing: How to choose a “frame” for your story like a painter; what artists know about the emotional impact of color that we can use in our writing; how to use word choice and sentence structure like a master with a brush, and much more.

This class will help writers of all levels take their craft to the next level — and find the inspiration to overcome obstacles and create their own masterpiece.

To register for this online class, please submit the form below. One of us will be in touch with details.