Prophets and Sibyls
from the First Half of Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling
First prophet in from main door; if facing the altar wall, he’s the one to the right of The Drunkenness of Noah. This work is in the public domain
First Sibyl in from main door of chapel; if facing altar wall, she is to the left of The Drunkenness of Noah. This work is in the public domain
Second Sibyl in from the main door of the chapel; if facing altar wall, she is to the right of The Sacrifice of Noah. This work is in the public domain
Second Prophet in from the main door of the chapel. If you are facing the altar wall, he is to the left of The Sacrifice of Noah panel. This work is in the public domain
Third prophet from the main door of the chapel; if you’re facing the altar wall, he’s to the right of the Creation of Eve. This work is in the public domain
Third sibyl in from the main door of the chapel; if you’re facing the altar wall, she is to the left of the Creation of Eve. This work is in the public domain
These are only the prophets and sibyls from the FIRST HALF of the Sistine Ceiling. For an exploration of all prophets and sibyls, visit the Vatican’s page dedicated to these figures.