Stanze della Segnatura, Vatican
Vatican page for Stanze della Segnatura. Photo courtesy, BigStock, Photographer: vvoevale

Stanze della Segnatura
Another view. Vatican page for Stanze della Segnatura. Photo from BigStock; Photographer: Isogood

Ceiling of Stanza della Segnatura
Raphael, with some additions by Sodoma. Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican. This work is in the public domain

Disputation of the Holy Sacrament, aka Religion Wall
Raphael, fresco. Stanze della Segnatura, Vatican, c. 1509-1510. This image is in the public domain

Parnassus, aka Poetry Wall
Raphael, fresco. Stanze della Segnatura in Vatican, c. 1511. This work is in the public domain

Law & Virtue
Raphael, fresco. Cardinal and Theological Virtues and the Law. Stanze della Segnatura, Vatican, c. 1511. This work is in the public domain

School of Athens, aka Philosophy Wall
Raphael, fresco. Stanze della Segnatura in the Vatican, c. 1509-1511. This work is in the public domain