In addition to being obsessed with art history, I also LOVE the Minions and am already eagerly awaiting the new “Minions” sequel due out in summer of 2020. I love the Minions so much that sometimes I think maybe I'm a minion myself (I'm currently feeling very Bob-like).
So, in honor of the Minions movie coming out next summer, here’s a compilation of all the ART HISTORY Minions! As an art historical novelist, I love anything that makes art relatable to regular people. Not only did the last Minion movie feature a cameo of Michelangelo’s David, but during the last promo cycle, ART HISTORY MINIONS were everywhere! (Do you know how happy it made me that a Hollywood studio used Art History to sell a movie?)
So to celebrate this movie franchise masterpiece, here's some Art of the Minions.
May it inspire you to go see a Van Gogh, a Munch, OR a Minion!
(Obviously all of these images are owned by Universal and Illumination… I only post them here to get you all excited about next year’s Minion movie and as a tribute to a franchise that I love!)
Munch “the Scream” Minion
Vincent Van Minion
Warhol Minion
Pablo “Minion” Picasso
Magritte Minion
Minion Pollock
Dali Minion
Lichtenstein “Bello” Minion
Mona Minion, aka Minion da Vinci
You knew I had to close with this one!