I’m a novelist, so I know the feeling: You conquered your fear and started your novel. You wrote for months or maybe years. You survived the long desert known as “the middle.” You wrote your favorite parts; the parts that made you want to write the story in the first place. And then, you wrote the last sentence. Added the last period. The End.
Book Tour: Recap
Top 10 Questions About Oil and Marble
10 Unique Books for Writers
Now that my debut novel has hit the Los Angeles Times bestseller list and garnered glowing reviews (including from The New York Times), other writers often ask which books helped me develop my craft.
Why Every Artist Should Study Acting
Writing Historical Fiction: Choose Better Details
What It Feels Like To See Your First Novel Published
Michelangelo on Setting Yourself Free
Selling Everything To Go On the Road
Historical Fiction: History or Fiction?
I’m an art-historical novelist, so I’m very familiar with the on-going debate at the center of historical fiction: Is it the novelist’s duty to serve the HISTORY or the FICTION? Readers expect to learn something from historical fiction — to …
Before the book was a book...
Just Say Yes! How Comedy Improv Can Embolden Your Writing
The Question That Inspired Oil and Marble
The most common question I get about my art-historical novel, Oil and Marble: a novel of Leonardo and Michelangelo, is: “What inspired you to write it?”
For five years, from 1501 – 1505, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti both lived and worked in Florence. Leonardo was an aging master, the most famous of his day. Michelangelo was a young, up-and-coming sculptor.
Should Authors Hire An Editor?
A Change of Pace
Writing a Successful Query Letter
Bestselling author Stephanie Storey’s top 5 tips for writing a killer query letter. If you follow this advice, I can’t promise that you, too, will get your first choice agent, but I can promise that you will write a better query letter… And increase your odds of getting someone to read your manuscript.
10 Hard Core Women of the Renaissance
Write Like An Actor
Writers and actors SEEM so different don’t they? But they are really very similar, both striving to “live truthfully in imaginary circumstances.” This post will help writers begin to study the craft of acting to go deeper into characters, create more compelling scenes, and take their storytelling craft to the next level.