8 Great Acting Books for Writers

As many of you know, in addition to being a novelist, I’m a passionate and trained actor, and I often use the craft of acting to help me create better characters, write more compelling dialogue, and craft stronger scenes. So, to help YOU learn some basic acting techniques to make your writing better, here’s a list of my favorite books about acting.

(NOTE: These are NOT writing books; they are acting books, but with the right perspective many of their lessons can be applied to your writing) Commissions Earned on links below

The lessons in these books will not only make you a better actor, but a better artist AND a better human. A must read for anyone trying to achieve anything in the arts.

As one of our greatest playwrights, Mamet provides particularly interesting insight on acting that can be naturally applied to any of the arts, including writing, of course.

Sanford Meisner is one of the great acting coaches of all time and created the “Meisner” style of acting. If you want to learn about how to create realistic and round relationships between characters, you can’t top Meisner.

This is one of the Bibles of acting. Her techniques , exercises and theories transcend acting and apply to all arts of human expression.

This is one of Sanford Meisner’s most famous and influential students. His description of the Meisner technique can help anyone — actor or writer — understand the power learning to respond realistically to imaginary circumstances.

This acting book particularly spoke to me as a woman writer. If you’re a woman struggling with your expression, I can’t recommend Chubbuck enough to give your voice power.

This acting primer and workbook provides insights and exercises for the beginning actor (and also refreshers for advanced students), but it’s perfect for anyone who wants to learn to become more open and empathetic in your writing. #disclaimer — this one was written by MY acting coach!

I end where I could’ve begun with Stanislavski, the father of modern acting. If you want to really understand acting techniques, you must read and absorb Stanislavski.

There are countless other acting books, covering specific techniques and problems. I encourage you to find your own list. But if you’re new to the craft, this list is a good place to start.