Fans of Oil and Marble often ask me for my book recommendations — nonfiction about Leonardo, Michelangelo, Florence and historical fiction about the two artists. So, below are my TOP 10 Recommended Reads. For MORE recommendations, check out my longer recommend list)
Best Michelangelo Fiction
The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone (I MUST begin with my favorite of all time. Stone is the master of art historical fiction. I still tote around my beat up copy that I read over and over again while living in Italy).
Best Ross King for THIS Novel
Leonardo and the Last Supper by Ross King (You cannot beat Ross King for art historical nonfiction. This just happens to be my favorite for understanding THIS particular moment in art history and especially Leonardo).
Best Leo v. Michel Rivalry NonFiction
The Lost Battles: Leonardo, Michelangelo and the Artistic Duel that Defined the Renaissance by Jonathan Jones (This book focuses on the “Dueling Frescos” in Florence’s city hall, but it still provides a really good breakdown of their real life differences and intense rivalry)
Best Big Michelangelo Bio
Michelangelo: The Artist, the Man and his Times by William Wallace (my professor and advisor when I briefly attended a PhD program at Washington University, one of the top Michelangelo specialists in the world, and my most trusted source on all things Michelangelo)
Best Big Leonardo Biography
Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson (EVERYONE has read it. If you haven’t yet, get on it!)
Best “Creation of David” Nonfiction
Il Gigante: Michelangelo Florence, and the David by Anton Gill (Love this for specifics on the history of the Duccio Stone, Michelangelo’s struggles carving it, AND even the epic move of the statue across town to its final pedestal)
Best Way to Get to Know Leonardo
Leonardo’s Notebooks (this is just one particular version, but track down a collection of the Master’s notebooks if you want to truly understand him)
Best History of Florence
Florence: The Biography of a City by Christopher Hibbert (really, I consider anything by Hibbert “the best”)
Best Leonardo Fiction
The Malice of Fortune by Michael Ennis (this is absolutely FICTION, but it brings Leonardo together with Machiavelli to solve a murder. Can’t beat that!)
Best for Art History Nerds
The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects by Giorgio Vasari (I MUST close up this list with where this all began: Vasari. Instead of saying “Best,” I should say “Necessity” for Art History Nerds. If you’re serious about this stuff, you seriously must read your Vasari)
(Disclosure: The links above are to Amazon because Stephanie Storey earns commissions on recommended books at no extra cost to you!)